Biomaterials and Stem Cells for Cornea and Ocular Surface Research Group

Project #6 Dementia diagnosis using OCT-Angiography
Project Power in Numbers
TÜBİTAK 2209-A Undergraduate Student Project
₺ 6,000
Grant Secured
Bursary Student(s)
Dementia diagnosis using OCT-Angiography - Undergraduate Student Project
The worldwide rapidly aging population and the resultant unprecedented rise in the incidence of dementia are anticipated to cause a greater burden in health expenditures both in underdeveloped and developed countries alike.
Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCT-A) is a noninvasive and facile method for visualizing retinal and choroidal microcirculation obviating the need for administering a systemic contrast agent. Compared to other brain imaging modalities, such as positron emission tomography imaging, it is more cost-effective and rapidly allows layer-by layer assessment of retinochoroidal microcirculation.
Recent studies have shown that changes in retinal microcirculation are associated with cerebral small vessel disease and alterations in retinal microcirculation may be a precursor to cerebrovascular accident and death. Hence, it is apparent that the evaluation of retinal circulation may provide useful information about cerebral circulation and used as a potential biomarker to understand cerebrovascular disease.
In this project we aim to compare various OCT-A-derived retinal vascular parameters for the potential differential diagnosis method between Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia patients and healthy controls.
Reference: Semih Ceylan, Onur Özalp & Eray Atalay (2022) A peek at the window from the eye into the brain: potential use of OCT angiography in dementia, Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 17:5, 295-297
This project is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Project Number: 1919B012222136