Biomaterials and Stem Cells for Cornea and Ocular Surface Research Group

Project #5 Developing a slow and sustained release amniotic eye drop
Project Power in Numbers
₺ 10,000
Grant Secured
Bursary Student(s)
Developing a sustained and slow released amniotic eye drop
The amniotic membrane is the innermost layer of the placenta, consisting of a thick basal membrane and an avascular stromal matrix. As a result of the implementation of the project, the initial steps towards developing an amniotic membrane-based eye drop have been taken, which is expected to extend the shelf life of the amniotic membrane by employing a different approach from classical methods. This innovation aims to reduce the need for amniotic membrane transplantation surgery, a challenging process for patients. Additionally, the development is anticipated to provide ease of use through the cross-linking of the amniotic membrane with light sources in the visible light spectrum, which has been widely utilized in the field of eye diseases in recent years.